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Time and Tide Wait for None Small Paragraph

 Time and Tide Wait for None Small Paragraph 

Time is a very precious and demanding thing for everyone. It costs us a lot as it doesn’t come back all at once. It runs regularly for every moment and never lasts even for a second. Time destroys those who destroy time. "Time and Tide Wait for None" is a famous proverb that we all know which means we should not lose our time because it is never in anyone’s favor under any circumstances.

Lost time never comes back to us, so we should use it in the right direction. We should always be vigilant to make the best use of our time. Opportunity comes our way with time but always knock on the door. The failure of a life successor depends on the way he uses time for his best. Laziness on our part can cost us too much. So, it is true to say that ‘time and tide wait for no one.

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