What is Computer Mouse? Usage of Computer Mouse, Types of Computer Mouse and Functions
A computer mouse (plural mice or mouses) is a hand-held pointing device that detects two-dimensional motion relative to any surface - Wikipedia. This speed is usually translated as the speed of a pointer on a display, which allows a smooth control of a computer's graphical user interface.
The mouse is a pointing device that looks like a rat controlled by hand. It is a popular widely used input device. It controls a computer without giving instructions on the keyboard. In 1973, Douglas Engelbert discovered the mouse. The first mouse was used on a Macintosh computer in 1974. When the mouse moves on the plane, an arrow or hand-like mark is seen moving on the monitor screen. This is called a cursor.
The cursor can be moved as desired by moving your hand. In addition, with the help of the mouse, various types of work can be done on the screen, including control of the written subject, graph, picture, etc. A standard mouse has two or three buttons. The left side button is commonly used. However, the button on the right side has some additional options that are used when working in some programs. The scroll button can be easily viewed up or down by turning the scroll button of the mouse with the scroll button.

Use of A Computer Mouse:
1. Pointing:
Moving the mouse pointer anywhere on the monitor screen is called pointing.
2. Click:
Clicking and releasing the mouse button once is called single click or just click. Pressing the mouse button twice in a row is called double click.
3. Drag & Drop:
Selecting an image, icon or window and dragging it with the left mouse button is called drag or drop. With the mouse pointer, click on the subject you want to drag, select it, hold down the left mouse button, drag it where it is needed and release the mouse button. This is called dropping or dropping.
4. Select:
To select an object (text / Drawing / Picture, etc.) to the right or left of the object by clicking the i-beam, pressing the mouse and dragging the object to the left or right. This will cause a different colour to fall on the dragged part. Selection is when the cover of another colour falls on such an object or is highlighted.
Types of Computer Mouse:
The computer mouse can be divided into several parts based on the mechanism. That is:
1. Mechanical Mouse
2. Optomechanical Mouse
3. Optical Mouse
4. Infrared (IR) or Radio Frequency Cordless Mouse
5. Gaming Mouse
6. Trackball Mouse
7. Stylus Mouse
8. Cordless 3D Mouse
9. Touchpad
Below the Details About Types of the Computer Mouse:
1. Mechanical Mouse:
The mechanical mouse has a rubber ball to rotate the cursor on the screen. Inside the mouse is a sensor that detects the movement of the ball and converts it into information that the computer can translate.
2. Optomechanical Mouse
In this type of mouse, the movement of the mouse is detected in an optical way using a ball.
3. Optical Mouse
An optical mouse is one that uses an optical beam instead of a mouse ball and moves the mouse pointer across the screen to move the mouse in a plane. An optical mouse is a computer mouse which uses a light source, typically a light-emitting diode (LED), and a light detector, such as an array of photodiodes, to detect movement relative to a surface - Wikipedia.
4. Infrared (IR) or Radio Frequency Cordless Mouse
In the case of this type of mouse, the computer's mouse part is attached to a base station (a wireless hub that connects to a computer network) and relays the signal.
5. Gaming Mouse
This type of mouse has customizable buttons. It includes a lot of features.
6. Trackball Mouse
A mouse that has a ball that moves the mouse pointer across the screen as it moves on a plane is called a trackball mouse.
7. Stylus Mouse
To see this type of mouse, you have to operate it with the help of a pen and move it on a special pad.
8. Cordless 3-D Mouse
This type of mouse can be viewed with a lot of TV remote control and the computer screen can be remotely pointed.
9. Touchpad
These are commonly found on laptops which are used as an alternative to conventional mice. It consists of a touchpad and two buttons. The buttons work according to the mouse button.
The Function of A Computer Mouse:
- It is possible to draw graphics in less time with the help of the mouse.
- The mouse can do all the work on the operating system.
- The mouse can be used to access programs directly from the Windows desktop.
- Quick typesetting work can be done easily with the mouse.
- Mouse formatting can be done much faster.
- The mouse is a great way to quickly print the results of any problem on paper.
- The mouse can be rotated by hand, so it can be rotated on the monitor.
- Selecting & Copying Text.