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Never Mess With 17 Uses Of Computer In Modern Life And Here's The Reasons Why

 Never Mess With 17 Uses Of Computer In Modern Life And Here's The Reasons Why

Computer and its Use in Various Fields

Today's computer is a modern electronic device. The word computer comes from the English word “compute”. The word “compute” means “to calculate” and so the word “computer” means “to calculate”. In the past, only calculations were done with a computer. But nowadays with the help of modern computers, many kinds of work can be done without doing the work of complex calculations very fast and accurately. It is possible to calculate the whole life in a few minutes with a computer. It can execute many instructions accurately and at lightning speed.

Uses Of Computer

Computers do not have the ability to do anything on their own. Computer inventors and users are telling us what to do and how to do it. Basically, under the influence of proper direction, the computer has turned from inert matter into an intelligent device with mathematical power.

The computer is a little complicated, but the simple thing is - the computer is a collection of electronic components that are powered by electricity and with the help of software and users are on demand.

The computer did not come to its present state at once. It has gone through various stages. This one is called a step or stage, one is called a generation. With each generation change, some new features are added and the old ones are eliminated. However, valves, ACI-C, transistors, microprocessors, etc. indicate a generation.

The concept of the modern computer was introduced in 1838 by Sir Charles Babbage, a Cambridge University graduate and later Lucasian professor of mathematics. That is why he is called computer savvy. But he could not fully demonstrate his proposed calculator due to lack of other suitable technology in his time.

Reflecting the idea of ​​Charles Babbage, the electronic computer called Mark-1 was invented in 1944 under the leadership of Howard Akin. This computer was created by a team of scientists from Harvard University and the famous IBM company.

The Uses of a Computer Works-

1. Problem-solving The purpose is to save the user-created programs to the computer's memory and execute the computer program at the user's direction.

2. Receives computer data through keyboard, mouse, joystick, disk etc.

3.Processes the data

4. Computers publish results via monitors, printers, disks, etc.

Use of computer in different cases-

1. Computers are used in office court as an alternative to typewriters for word processing or writing (basically in our country).

2. Computers are being used extensively in all office management nowadays

3. Various types of research work.

4. In medicine and education.

5. In the case of sending news from one place to another.

6. For entertainment such as watching TV, watching videos and playing songs, presentations etc.

7. The communication system is used to determine the direction of various types of transport, starting from ticket sales.

8. Computers are also being used to operate or control equipment in the industry.

9. Any work published in the printing industry.

10. Etc. as a security guard in the modern military

The bottom line is that we are involved with this technology in every aspect of our lives.

17 Uses Of Computer In Modern Life

Uses Of Computer

The present age is the age of computers. The use of computers has increased day by day in modern civilization. At present, everything from computer entertainment to spacecraft control is being done. The following are some of the uses of computers:

1. Use of Computer in Education

Keeping pace with the times, the teaching methods in today's education are much more modern, and computers play an important role in this modern learning process. Currently, there are many online-based courses, where teaching is done through a computer.

Also nowadays there are many tests done online, answer sheets, results are made through the computer. The development of students' education is becoming much easier through various computer apps and software.

Moreover, solutions to any subject, thing, person or any problem in the world can be found using the internet on a computer. Among the processes of modern education, computer education is very important today.

uses of computer

2. Uses Of Computer In-Office work: 

All office work can be done quickly and accurately by computer. Office work distribution, notification, letter writing, record keeping, file maintenance, daily income-expenditure accounting etc. can be done by a computer.

3. Uses Of Computer In the Banking Sector : 

In the modern developed world, every bank is controlled by computer, check accounting, credit and debit calculation is done by a computer. This is eliminating the annoyance of waiting for customers to deposit checks. As a result of the use of computers in the bank, on the one hand, the customers are getting fast service and on the other hand, the officers and employees of the bank are getting relief from the work pressure. At present, it is possible to quickly report the accounts of each bank to the central bank through a computer network.

4. Uses Of Computer In the Business Sector: 

Now every bank does all the work on the computer. From storing customer data, to credit debit information, all kinds of calculations are done on the computer. As a result of using computers, the customers of the bank can stay up to date in various fields. Also, Fund transfer, balance sheet, accounting, pay-roll, income-expenditure accounting, etc. can be done quickly by computer.

5. At the Works of Mills and Factories: 

All the raw materials of mills can be calculated by importing, accounting of exports, calculation of a number of officers and workers, calculation of monthly salary of workers, preparation of annual report and preparation of annual budget etc. by computer.

6. Uses Of Computer In Publishing: 

Graphics design, printing, research reports, books, letters, etc. are being published fast with computers. When computers were not used, publishing books was difficult, costing a lot of time and money.

7. Use it In the Media: 

Apart from the means of publishing in newspapers, there is no second option for computers to deliver news to a large number of people at home and abroad. Many cannot read newspapers regularly due to lack of time.

But in the present age, any news in the world is reaching people in any part of the world in a blink of an eye through this computer. Starting from breaking through computers, any news can be read through e-newspaper today. And if you want, you can print them through the computer and read them.

Different things can be done to publish newspapers very fast through the computer. Newspapers are being published at the same time from every city of a country through a computer network. In addition, any customer in the world through the Internet is reading the newspaper on the computer screen or printing through the printer.

8. Uses Of Computer In Telecommunication: 

By connecting between telephone and computer, very fast news is being sent from one part of the world to another.

9. Use In Medical Sector: 

Medical science has also become much more modern now. In this case, also computers are used a lot. Computers are giving fast results in pathological tests, vision tests, cancer diagnosis, tumour formation etc. Prescribing medicines for various diseases and controlling the quality of medicines is being done with computers. The use of computers is also very important in the field of medicine as the various instruments used in diagnosing various diseases are computer operated.

This computer is used for CT scan, ultrasonography, etc. tests as well as for the speed of bypass surgery, microsurgery etc.

uses of computer

10. In space research: 

Computers are widely used in the calculation, design, and operation of spacecraft. Computers also help guide astronauts in distant skies.

11. In Defense: 

Computers are being used to control bombers or warships, missiles and missiles.

12. In Air Traffic Control: 

Aviation communication all over the world including Bangladesh is useless without a computer. Online seat reservation computers are being used for various purposes including determining the route of air travel.

13. In the Work of Education: 

It is possible to calculate the salary of the students of the educational institution, publish the results of the examination quickly, calculate the number of students every year by computer. In addition, the number of students who have passed and failed according to the year can be done by a computer.

14. A computer Uses for Entertainment: 

The use of computers for entertainment is incomparable. At present, everyone from eight to eighty loves computer games.  It is also possible to watch your favourite movies, listen to music, etc. on the computer at any time. Again everything from animation to graphics in movies is on the computer.

Computers are being used for various entertainment like playing games, listening to music, watching pictures etc. By using a TV card, the computer is also being used as a TV.

15. Meteorological or Weather Forecast: 

Different types of weather information can be collected and predicted through computers, by which we can be saved from any natural disaster. Supercomputers are used in weather forecasting.

These supercomputers control artificial satellites sent into space, and satellites, which provide almost accurate weather forecasts.

16. In Online Business:

Many people are now doing business by opening various sites online. As a result, many jobs associated with those companies are also increasing.

Moreover, through blogging, online shopping, affiliate marketing, freelancing and video uploading through a computer, people are earning thousands of rupees per month.

17. Use in Travel and Transport Companies:

The use of computers in travel transport companies is significant. From booking tickets online to cancelling tickets, hotel bookings are all done using computers.

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